
Finally connect Bedrock and Discord

BedrockBridge is a minecraft addon that connects your bedrock-server to your discord-server. This solution is intended especially for BDS (Bedrock Dedicated Server). All you need to do in order to use this bot is inviting the bot to your discord-server, and installing the addon in your bedrock-server. 

Chat parity

Every time someone sends a message on bedrock, it will be streamed to discord, same from discord to bedrock.

Server events

You will receive embeds for all important server events: player join, player leave,player deaths, server startup... 


Check here if you have any question. If you have more, contact us directly!

How can I connect my bedrock server to discord?

In order to connect your bedrock server and your discord server you can install BedrockBridge addon on your server, and invite BedrockBridge bot to your discord. No extra software, setup, or machine is required!

How does BedrockBridge work?

When you install the minecraft-addon your server will be able to connect to the BedrockBridge discord bot. If you invite this bot to your discord-server, chat will be streamed and you will be able to run several useful commands form discord. 

So this is the configuration:

  • Minecraft-Server <-> BedrockBridge Bot <-> DiscordServer
How can I install BedrockBridge? (old)

Discord setup

  1. Invite BedrockBridge discord bot to your discord-server using this link
  2. Choose the channel you want to have bedrock-chat streamed to and run /setup in it.
  3. Request a new token by running /new-token. Keep it safe.

If the messages are not streamed and your server is connected, give the bot admin permissions, then run /setup. Successful setup is needed in order to stream chat. If you need help don't hesitate to contact staff on the official discord server.

Bedrock setup

  1. Download BedrockBridge addon.
  2. Enable experimental features (now called beta API) on your world (yt).
  3. Upload the folder called Bedrock-Bridge inside your server's <server main folder>/behaviour_packs folder (yt).
  4. Go to <server main folder>/worlds/<your world's name>/world_behavior_packs.json and add the following line: { "pack_id" : "b17755d2-3cc0-424b-89dd-558fc98513f5", "version" : [ 0, 0, 1 ]} (between the square brackets you find already there) (yt)
  5. Go to <server main folder>/config and paste the folder (from the downloaded pack) config/b17755d2-3cc0-424b-89dd-558fc98513f5 (yt)
  6. Now copy your token (from step 3) and paste it to <server main folder>/config/b17755d2-3cc0-424b-89dd-558fc98513f5/secrets.json replacing the 0 valued token.
  7. Start your server and enjoy streamed chat and commands!

Check the documents in order to see what commands you can run form discord, and enjoy!!

It doesn't work! What should I do?

First thing to do is understanding where the problem is:

  • Does the addon work at all? Log into your bedrock server and run !status in chat. If you simply see in chat "!status" then the addon is not working. Most common reasons for this error are:
    • Your world doesn't have experiments on.
    • You are using the wrong version: there is a version of this pack for each major minecraft update. Versions are not interchangeable (you need to instal the right one). Check the github tags for the right one.
  • Nice it works... but it says "offline". Then your server was not able to connect to the bot, try to run in chat !messages and see if is there any. Most probable issue is:
    • You haven't added the token to the config file (or your token is no longer valid, in this case request a new one from your discord server).
    • It's also possible that your hosting provider doesn't support custom config folders. In that case paste the content of the custom config (<server-main-folder>/config/54d46e5d-b8c7-486f-8957-f83982bdfc2f) into the default config (<server-main-folder>/config/default/) and restart the server: from this time on you can forget about the 54d46e5d-b8c7-486f-8957-f83982bdfc2f folder.
  • Nope that was all fine, but I still can't see the chat! Well, in this case the problem is with discord setup.
    • make sure that you ran /setup on your discord server
    • try to reinvite the bot
    • give the bot ADMIN permissions. (Some servers have options that will prevent the bot from setting up webhooks)
    • Try reinstalling the addon using the auto-installer.

If you are still having troubles don't hesitate to contact us on the official discord or open a ticket on github.

How do I limit people running commands on discord?

From your discord server, go to Menu->Integrations->BedrockBridge and you will find a list of commands. You can chose what roles can run bot's commands, and what channels can the commands be run from. Then you can even customise single commands' permissions.

Installation Tutorial

How do I install BedrockBridge on my server? Here a complete guide from start to end to setup the bridge and stream chat!


Dedicated solution for Bedrock Dedicated Servers.

Chat parity

Chat parity with discord.


Custom commands to manage your server directly from discord.